Arrival & Work (Alkirvit ki Qahas)
Incoming transfers are scheduled to arrive between the first and third perigees of a sweep, whereas outgoing transfers occur from the tenth to the twelfth perigee. Incoming employees are obligated to transport their personal items such as devices and clothing through a cargo courier service that usually delivers the items a night or so after they actually come aboard. Personnel are strip-searched and scanned for contraband prior to ascending from the docking bay. After being cleared and authenticated, an arrival receives the necessary permissions injections (see Identification & Currency) for their role and residency. Within their quarters will already be present their crew uniforms.
Arrivals must attend a job orientation sequence carried out by the management of their respective department for one week (six nights) in which they are introduced to the department-internal workflow and meet some of their co-workers. After that, they begin work in earnest. A worker will be assigned to one of three shifts: matutinal (00:00-08:00), crepuscular (08:00-16:00), or vespertine (16:00-24:00); workers are given one 45-minute meal break during their shift to be taken as scheduled by management. Some jobs, typically ones with desk work, may have additional work expected to be done at some time during the off-duty hours of the night. Depending on their job, employees will have somewhere between four to six shifts that they are scheduled to cover each week on specific nights