Midbloods (Nićua Lakyisi)

The lime, olive, jade, and teal castes are considered to be the “midblood” castes (nićua lakyisi). On average, midbloods range from 5'4"-6' (163-183cm) at ten sweeps of age (hornless height), and can be expected to grow up to thirty-three percent taller as they approach seniority.

Limebloods are the only midblood caste to possess the potential for psychic conditions, though the range of possible conditions is slim. Psychic limebloods will possess an emotional or personality condition, the symptoms of which may, for instance, allow them to empathize with others to an extreme capacity. The empathic limeblood may be able to feel the emotions and even sensations (touch, smell, even sight) of their target. Others may not possess such an empathy, but may instead be able to share their thoughts and emotions with others, be it consciously or subconsciously. In some cases this enables them to purposefully manipulate the emotions of others without their knowing.

The range of empathy and emotional linkage is almost always limited to a specific range of emotion. Some limebloods may possess the ability to understand and feel the joy of another while being unable to feel anger, or sorrow. Limebloods who are able to perceive, empathize, and manipulate more degrees of emotion are considered more powerful, though this may be a misnomer, as greater breadth of ability often limits the pure strength thereof.

Midbloods are often assigned to the departments of Ground Conflict, Execution, Medicine, and Legislaceration. Tealbloods in particular are commonly selected for Legislaceration as well as Execution. Jadebloods are the only caste who can receive the assignment of Broodkeeping, though there are no spawning facilities aboard the Whitefish, so instead are most often in the Medicine department. Midbloods in Ground Conflict and Execution will typically occupy positions of middle management or officership.

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