Assignment (Cuhuavit)
As part of the Trials process, an individual will receive their assignment (cuhuaya when referring to that of an individual, cuhuavit for the act thereof) long prior to boarding the Whitefish (see the Setting Document). In common parlance, this is referred to as their "ID assignment/department", as this information is tied to the government-issued ID form digitally tied to their person. An individual's assignment is simply which one of the ten departments they are permitted employment in. A citizen cannot be legally employed nor seek employment outside of their ID assignment.
When becoming an employee of the Whitefish, an individual will be employed within the department indicated by their ID assignment. All occupations (qahas) are associated with a specific department, and will be potential avenues of employment for those who meet the qualifications and are assigned to that department.
At some point, an employee may be transferred between jobs within a department or, far more rarely, across departments. This can be a result of promotion, managerial or disciplinary action, or after the approval of a Career Conversion Request (C.C.R. for short). A C.C.R. form may be sent digitally or in-person to the Whitefish Employee Registry & Hiring Office at C09-2 for review by a team member, and must include a detailed explanation of what position an individual wants to be transferred to, why they wish it so, and why they should be allowed to do so.