Lifespan (Inźańiq sul Tudzur)

Some centisweeps after the coronation of the Empress, the genetic code of the troll race itself was altered; all wrigglings thereafter, as per the Empress's decree, would originate from a specific genetic strain engineered to rewrite troll biology so as to make more equal the average lifespan of trolls across caste lines, though the average lifespan of the race did drop significantly. The results are as follows, in ascending order by caste:

60 sw.
65 sw.
70 sw.
80 sw.
85 sw.
90 sw.
95 sw.
100 sw.
110 sw.
120 sw.
150 sw.

The fuchsia caste has been erased from the gene pool entirely, presumably to eliminate all competition the Empress could foreseeably have. All fuchsiabloods who were alive at the time of the lifespan flattening were given a choice: pledge their loyalty to the monarch and her alone, or perish. The limit to the lifespan of a fuchsiablood is hitherto unknown, as they continue to live to this day, just as does the Empress; the number of tyrians is finite, and unless things change, will never again rise.

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