The Crown (Nikka Riyaźdi)
In the Alternian language, the institution of the monarchy is referred to as "The Fuchsia Head" (Nikka Riyaźdi)— this is also the simple word for “crown” in the language, as the very concept of a crown is defined by its possessor being of tyrian origin. The Alternian Empire is, nominally, an absolute monarchy in which the Empress has complete authority over all the happenings within the realm. In practice, Her Imperium cannot possibly be overseen by Her alone as it might have in the ancient era, as trolldom is far too populous and Her territories too vast to consider hands-on management a realistic proposition. To this end is employed a bureaucratic system of quasi-official governance referred to as the Imperial Execution, dubbed so in reference to the execution of Her decree.
The Empress does not make appearances in any way, shape, or form. As far as the common troll is concerned, nobody actually knows what She looks like, sounds like, Her name, or precisely how old She is. All that is known is that She rules from the tyrian throne on the ancestral homeland of Alternia. Art that is made of Her, always reverent in form by law, will feature the artist's personal interpretation rather than a referenced portrayal of Her likeness, as there exists no image to reference.
Might does not make right; only She can make right. Her throne is not up for contest, and hasn't been for hundreds of centisweeps. The zeroth sweep of the New Alternian Standard Calendar marks the sweep of Her coronation. Legally speaking, all authority in Her Empire is said to be derived strictly from Her. From the viewpoint of the Empress, each and every one of Her subjects is allowed to spawn and to live only because She has provided for that individual the privileges of a citizen, this boon representing but a fraction of Her worldly power.