It is the nine-hundredth Alternian centisweep. The Alternian Empire spans almost the entire galaxy, but the exact location of the homeworld is lost to nearly all of its citizens. The Empress remains in the capital system, helming Her vast demesne from its heart. The common troll will never know Her true name.
Her Empire lives to conquer, for Her progeny, the people, are too vast to remain complacent. Trolldom has never faced as many threats as there are tonight, but neither has it ever been as well-equipped to face them as it is now. An enemy that survives just one full night under an Alternian assault will have their planet extinguished the next. Many trolls know nothing but war in Her name.
For each troll that is planetbound, there are nine others who have lived their lives in a vessel that touches ground only when that ground is consecrated by blood and cannonfire. Every citizen is given their purpose by the Imperial Execution, and it must be fulfilled for Her Empire. All are drafted.